I was fortunate to have a great friend stay over at the house Friday night and with the holidays separating the last time we saw one another – we had A LOT to catch up on! This called for a late night of great stories and conversation and I am SO thankful for her friendship. We both vowed not to set an alarm, but were up fairly early. With some delicious Caribou Reindeer Blend (for those of you who have never tasted Caribou Coffee…it MUST be added to the bucket list…it’s JUST that GOOD) and a healthy breakfast – we were off to the gym. What a GREAT start to the day :o)
With all of the catching up we had to do, there was no time to watch the movie I had for us (which happened to be THE ABSOLUTE BEST movie I have seen in a long time and WANTED to watch it again). So after an eventful morning I put in the movie Letters to God, and do what I do best while watching a movie, took a nap!
As I faded in and out of sleep, I was reminded of how amazing this movie is and why I wanted to share it with you!
The movie is based on a true story of 6 year old Tyler Doherty, a young boy battling cancer and a warrior for Christ. I don’t want to share any more details with you because I don’t want to give anything away – but the movies message has resonated with me since the first time I watched it back home snuggled up with mom and sister (thanks sis for recommending the movie!)
I now own it and if you live in the South Florida area, I would love to lend it to you.
To top of my Saturday another fabulous friend cut and colored my hair (top favorite thing to do) and then we went out for sushi (another top favorite!)
Still thanking God for blessing me far more than I deserve!
SO: Where have you seen God’s grace in your life today? Have you seen Letters to God? Where do you see yourself fit into this story?
OH…and I must be honest and remind you to grab some tissues!