Today was another BIG day. It was great to have Mom’s Neurologist back after being off this weekend. We had numerous questions for him after the weekend. We are getting ready to begin our long trip home and Mom is going to set the pace. We are doing all we can to prepare and we pray God will take care of the rest (we know he will, but are wanting to do all we can so he can work through us!) My Uncle Gary is flying in tomorrow morning and we are SO grateful he will be there to help us along the way. If all goes well we will look to be on the road with Mom tomorrow around noon.
I am so blessed to have a friend who is a physician who has been following the blog. He mentioned something called an IVC (inferior vena cava) filter to me yesterday and he strongly recommended bringing it up to the doc. The IVC filter is basically an umbrella type devise that is placed in the inferior vena cava (the major vein that splits into two and goes down both legs) and will catch Mom’s blood clot that is still in her left leg if it happens to dislodge. If this does happen we can stop in an ER and have the clot removed from her vein in the IVC filter verses another traumatic complication or stroke. I mentioned this to the doctor, and after discussing with his colleagues; he decided this is definitely a necessary procedure (especially before our drive!) We are so blessed for this suggestion and can now travel with a lower level of anxiety knowing that Mom’s clot (or others that could develop) will not end up in her brain.
Another question on the list was clarifying Mom’s medications and how/what we will need to give her. She has had them crushed up to this point, but swallowed them WHOLE today! We are so thankful she is able to do so and this eliminates needing a pill crusher, little cups, spoons, etc. We also found out she will need to continue her Lovenox shots (mild blood thinner) vs. Coumadin (stronger pill form she can take once her stroke has healed more). SO GUESS WHO IS UP…ME! I gave Mom her first shot today – I may have cried through it – but with my Auntie Joan’s encouragement, I DID IT! (Honestly, she looked at me and told me I just had to – and we would all do ANYTHING for Mom!)
REALITY IS SETTING IN. My body just feels done (along with the rest of the family I’m sure as well) We literally feel God carrying us right now as we continue to loose our keys and forget where we put things – GOD IS OUR STRENGTH! It really hit me today when I went downstairs to request a copy of Mom’s medical records and they handed me a form and they said they just needed to have her fill it out and bring it back. As the tears began to build, they asked if I was okay, and I had to say…what if she can’t fill it out? Dad’s taking care of the form and that’s really how we make this whole situation work – we trade off in our moments of weakness and strength and we are there for lots of hugs!
Mom’s IVC filter procedure went well and Dad and Courtney greeted us once we got back up to the room! They had just returned from driving about 800 miles the last few days and we are thankful for their perseverance to get to the point where we are ready to take Mom H.O.M.E!
Unfortunately, as Dad and Courtney pulled into the hospital parking deck (they don’t call it a ramp here in the south :o) the car made a large noise on the front left side. Dad took it into get looked at and called to report it was only low power steering fluid. He said, “The BEST $34.99 we’ve EVER SPENT!!!”
My mind is numb and I’m sorry if this doesn’t make much sense today…just wanted to get something out to all of you who care and love Mom SO VERY MUCH!
The song “The Arms That Hold The Universe” by 33 Miles moved Joan and me on our drive into the hospital this morning. Another great reminder that God is holding our family right now…and he’s holding you, too, wherever you are walking right now.
Where have you seen God's grace in your life today?