Saturday, August 27, 2011


To all of you who have diligently followed my blog, whether for my Mom's progress or for my endeavor to log God's grace in my life every day this year...I have to apologize for my lack of dedication. Good news - I'M BACK! :o)

I returned last Wednesday from a trip home to be a part of one of my best friends in the whole world's wedding. That was combined with a direct flight to a work conference in Orlando. I continue to be reminded that God never gives you more then you can handle, even though kinda feels like it.

Yesterday morning, rounding out a couple of crazy weeks, I was greeted by a wonderful reminder in my morning devotional. Another Reflection for Ragamuffins that I just couldn't help but share with all of you, a great jump start back into sharing God's grace in my life each day with you!

Just Receive

Perhaps the most fundamental religious question I can ask myself today is: Do I really believe in the Good News of Jesus Christ? Do I hear his word spoken to my heart: "Shalom, be at peace. I understand your fears, your failures, your brokenness. I don't expect you to be perfect. I have been there. All is well. You have my love. You don't have to pay for it, and you can't deserve it. You only have to open and receive it. You only have to say yes to my love - a love beyond ANYTHING you can intellectualize or imagine."

O Lord, open my lips, and my mouth will declare your praise. Psalm 5:15

What an excellent reminder for a control freak like me! :o)

Just Receive!

I must also say that I am so thankful that hurricane Irene has missed us down here in Florida, and my prayers go out to all of those who are facing this very large storm.

Follow Hurricane Irene

Where have you seen God's grace in your life today?