Think about a time when you endured a
difficult circumstance and later saw a divine purpose in it.
the events of Joseph’s life in the chapter groupings below:
Genesis 40-45:
Genesis 46-50:
Describe Joseph’s actions throughout all of these events?
Did Joseph do anything to deserve or cause His circumstances—good or
Describe God’s role in Joseph’s life. How is God’s character
revealed through these events?
Why do we desire to place blame on someone for our circumstances?
Why are we quick to believe we can work for and deserve good
situations but do not deserve unfavorable circumstances?
How and why do we tend to believe that our obedience to God should
result in our safety and comfort?
Why is our attitude toward God often negative when bad things
happen? How should the story of Joseph change our attitude toward God about bad
things that happen to us?
God is sovereign over:
His purpose was not dependent on
His purpose was not deterred by
Re-read Genesis 39:2-6 and 21-23. Looking at Joseph’s time in
Potiphar’s house and in prison, did God rely on these men or Joseph’s abilities
to make him successful in those places?
How does Joseph’s complete lack of control over his life reflect
God’s ultimate control?
How did Joseph’s faithfulness allow him to be usable by God?
How did the cupbearer’s forgetfulness in Gen. 40:23 affect Joseph’s
chances to get out of prison? Why is God’s independence of him important?
Think about the decisions of Joseph’s brothers, Potiphar’s wife, and
Potiphar. How do their actions seem to contradict God’s plans?
How does God’s independence of people illustrate His sovereignty?
• How does it make you feel to know that God is
not dependent on you for His purposes?
• How does it make you feel to know that you or
anyone else cannot keep God’s purposes from being accomplished?
• How can we allow Him to change our hearts so
that we become a godly vessel for His purpose?
• How does our belief in these truths affect how
we view the world around us, and our own life at this very moment?
God guided the details to sustain Joseph through His protection
and through His presence.
God used and caused events to accomplish His purpose.
Re- read Genesis 37:26-27 and 39:20. How did God protect Joseph’s
life in these situations?
How was the outcome seemingly horrible and unfair to Joseph even
though his life was spared? How did God sustain Joseph in these circumstances?
Re-read Genesis 37:36, 39:20, and 41:15-16. How did God direct what
appears to be coincidence in these situations?
How did Joseph’s locations put him in the right places at the right
times for God to work through him?
In what ways is it easy to miss God’s work in our circumstances?
What is most often our attitude toward God when our plans are
“messed up”?
How does this illustrate our desire to control our lives and
tendency to forget God in our plans and dreams?
How do our attitudes toward our own plans often interfere with our
praise of God for His work in our lives?
What is our responsibility in being active toward what we believe to
be God’s plan for our lives?
How should we view our circumstances when our plans don’t turn out
like we expected?
God directed the final outcome.
God directed all the details for His purpose.
Re- read Genesis 45:9-11. What was God’s purpose in Joseph’s life?
Joseph’s family was part of God’s chosen people and the beginnings
of the nation of Israel.
Name all of the minute details that God controlled to get Joseph to
the place of preserving his family.
How did God use the sin of Joseph’s brothers to bring about their
ultimate redemption?
How is God’s love for His people evident through His actions?
Why is it easier to see God’s hand in our lives as we look to the
Knowing God has His hand in our lives at all times, why is it
difficult to trust His sovereignty in our present situations?
How is our trust in Him reflected in our faithfulness at all points
in our lives?
How did God use the sin of wicked people to bring about your
ultimate redemption?
How does God’s direction of our lives for His
purposes give us hope?
Where have you seen God's grace in your life today?