Hey Jess,
So, I'm not sure if you have heard this song yet or know the artist, but I wanted to share this song/video with you. Laura Story wrote Indescribable and Mighty To Save and is a very good friend of one of my best friends, Jodi who lives in SC. Anyway, Laura married her husband 7 years ago and after a year and a half of marriage, her husband was diagnosed with a brain tumor. He had multiple surgeries and almost died several times but God did a miracle in his life and healed him. But, there are still some health issues that they struggle with and from that trial, Laura wrote this song called BLESSINGS. I couldn't help but think of your Mom and your family. I know God has been so present in your Mom's situation and His hand has been active and faithful. I'm in awe of what He's already done in your Mom's healing process. Anyway, I thought you would like to hear it. It's my favorite song right now. I just ordered the CD. Anyway, here is the link to the song and then another link to the story behind the song.
Gordy, Courtney and Jessica
Where have you seen God’s grace in your life today?