Mom continues to make progress daily and we are so thankful for that! My morning call to her always starts off with a happy “hello!” I then try to ask as many yes/no questions as possible to get her speech flowing…she then ALWAYS surprises me with something. I was able to give Mom a quick call on my way to my hair appointment after work Tuesday since it was going to be a packed evening with little time to video chat. So again I hear a “hello!” on the other end of the line. I say, “Hi Mom! It’s so good to hear your voice.” And she responds with a slight pause and then says, “What Ya Bringing?” My laughter was met with hers and of course I heard Courtney’s on the other end of the line! I am SO thankful that Mom just continues to try, and we are ALL surprised what comes out sometimes! What ya bringing vs. what ya doing…I’ll definitely take what I can get!
Courtney also updated me yesterday with this text:
“Hope you had a good day :) We are just setting up to watch Chris’s game. Mom is doing good…her new thing is when she can’t say something, she babbles nonsense…like she knows what she wants to say by because she can’t…she makes sounds and we all laugh!” I love the updates from Sis and my next phone call to Mom proved this all true! She was babbling away and we were laughing! We are all just SO happy to hear more and more of her voice.
Mom didn’t have therapy today, but had another doctor appointment to get her blood drawn to check her PT-INR. PT stands for pro thrombin, which is how fast your blood clots, and INR (International Normalized Ratio) is the units the blood is measured in. Basically in an effort to not give Mom a shot anymore (which was the mild dose of blood thinner), she now should be able to take a full does of blood thinner orally. While taking the oral medication, Mom’s PT INR needs to stay between 2 and 3 INR. Her measurements have been up and down the last week and after a few adjustments we are hoping to find her in between 2 and 3 with the results we hear tomorrow morning! ENOUGH with poking Mom already!
Another update from Courtney this afternoon! Dad had to bring the car in, so we were fortunate to have Gina offer to take Mom and Courtney to Mom’s doctor appointment. They stopped into Starbuck’s on the way home for another one of Mom’s favorite treats (man do we love to spoil her)! After settling in back home this afternoon, Courtney had Mom working on her typing program on her computer! Mom is doing just GREAT!
I’m sure you all love hearing how well Mom is “bringing” just as much as I do – SO I will continue to try and do my best to keep you up to date!
Gordy, Lynn, Jessica & Courtney
Where have you seen God’s grace in your life today?