Saturday, September 10, 2011


Ahhh...nothing like the weekend! A very productive morning about to be topped off with an afternoon at the beach!

God continues to feed me such truth and challenge me more everyday. Here's what he "wrecked me afresh" with this morning!

Right Relationship

The promised peace that the world CAN NOT give is located in being in right relationship with God. (Wow...had to read that over a few good!) Self-acceptance becomes possible ONLY through the radical trust in Jesus' acceptance of me AS I AM. (...another great reminder...) Befriending the impostor and the Pharisee within marks the beginning of reconciliation with myself...

In the Rabbi's embrace our evil impulses are converted and transformed into good. Just as the unbridled lust of the sinful woman in Luke's Gospel was transformed into a passion for intimacy with Jesus, so our possessiveness about money metastasizes into greed for the treasure in the field. Our inner murderer becomes capable of murdering homophobia, bigotry, and prejudice. Our vindictiveness and hatred are transformed into intolerance and rage at the caricatures of God as a petty accountant. Our chronic niceness is converted into heartfelt compassion for those who have lost their way.

And the meaning of the Rabbi's words, "Behold, I make ALL things new," becomes luminously clear.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. Proverbs 3:5

Where have you seen God's grace in your life today?