I completed a great little project this weekend that I must share with you! I took a wall unit that my boss gave to me and sanded and repainted! Check it out:
Moved By The Spirit?
So often we become self-moved and -motivated rather than moved and motivated by the Spirit. Is the security center operating in this decision in order to win approval, avoid criticism, or escape rejection? Are my cuteness and coyness in this personal relationship signs of entrapment in the sensation center? Am I role-playing King Baby through a subtle power ploy in the office or in the prayer community? Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote, "Satan's desire is to turn me in on myself to the extent that I become enslaved and become a destructive force in the community. The thrust from Jesus Christ is the opposite - to enhance freedom so that I can become a creative force of love. It is the spirit of self-centeredness and selfishness versus the spirit of openness and self-sacrifice for the good of others." Again, the goal is a continually discerning heart.
All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of his possessions was his own, but they shared everything they had. Acts 4:32
What a GREAT fit for today. I am so thankful for my home and take such joy in working on it, but am continually reminded that I can't take the things of this world with me. Therefore, I must always be challenged to the authenticity of my transparency and challenged to find true identity in what is eternal.
Where have you seen God's grace in your life today?