Wednesday, March 30, 2011



I had to run to the ladies room before we went up the elevator to the 7th floor this morning to see Mom, so Dad and Courtney went ahead of me. The curtain was closed as I walked into the room, so I zipped it open and said GOOD MORNING MOMMA…and her eyes lit up and she smiled REALLY big. This led us into a series of questions…Do you know I’m your daughter? Dad says, “Do you know I’m your Husband?” Do you know Courtney? She would shake her head yes, but as the confused look came across her face – and we saw a bit of a blank stare – we knew that we really could still only guess what she knows and understands.
Dad said, “Honey, do you know this is the longest time in 27 years you haven’t talked to me?” We all laughed, and as tears came to our eyes he said, “And I DON’T like it!”
I think the reality of the entire situation is really setting in for all of us today (you ALL who love her so much included)! I wanted to update you on the situation surrounding the PFO testing I posted this morning. We found out that she not only has one large hole, but actually has another small hole (very uncommon to have two) in her heart. This is going to require a surgery (PFO closure) eventually, but this will take place several months down the rehab road. As we further discussed this topic with the Doc today, it began to set in that this is going to be a long road, but we are steadfast in supporting Mom every step of the way and know that God will see her through.
Mom’s Neurologist showed us the actual MRI scan of her brain today. We sat in awe as we actually saw the bright white areas covering a large percentage of the left lobe of her brain showing the damaged area from the stroke. The most damage is in the area of making speech (central left lobe), the area of understanding speech is a little “less bright white” (posterior left lobe) and the front left lobe which is responsible for paralysis is virtually untouched. We praise God for saving this area of her brain. Mom is still able to move all extremities and get up and walk to use the restroom (and MAN does she jump out of bed when she’s gotta go :o)!!! We still get our glimpses of Mom and we are so thankful for them!
So as we move forward, we know that the next 3 days are going to be tough as her brain swells. She has been considerably more tired today and a little bit more difficult to wake up for the nurses and docs for different things. We also have had our eyes opened to the fact that this is going to be a long road.
So why dancing with the stars? Well, one, this is one of Mom’s favorite shows and two, you should have seen her with the Physical Therapist today! Although she definitely still favors her left side she was up walking forward, backwards, turning in circles, and yes dancing with our fabulous PT, Danielle. We are so proud of her and will continue to engage her on her right side.

Another victory today was APPLESAUSE! In all seriousness, Mom has not wanted to eat the last two days. The nurse said when she first got upstairs yesterday morning she ate a small container of applesause, but both yesterday and today we have not been able to get her to eat anything (not that we would want to eat hospital food, either).  When we were talking with her doctor he mentioned that the food intake was of concern and they would be counting calories for the next two days. He said that if she decides not to eat enough in the next few days then she will need a feeding tube inserted first through her nose, and then possibly through the stomach. We prayed after doc left about many things, but specifically for the food. Right before therapy Court looked at me and said, “Should we try the applesause again?” I agreed we should! When Court got it out, not only did Mom take it from her, but she opened it all by herself (and after she tried to drink it a few times) with a little assistance almost ate the whole thing! GOOD START!
We’ll be back tomorrow. Thank you again and again for your support!
Gordy, Courtney and Jessica
Where have you seen God’s grace in your life today?