Wednesday, March 23, 2011


At this moment, many ordinary men and women just like you and me are being invited to enter into the rhythm of loss and gain. In each of our lives, there no doubt have been periods of fervor when we could almost touch the goodness of God. We have enjoyed various religious exercises, precious securities for many of us, in which it was a joy to be in his presence. Perhaps all this has changed now: like Catherine of Siena we seem to have lost Christ, and we fear he might never return.

But the gain is NEVER far away. God’s love and mercy are too great and too lasting to depend on the rise and fall of his frail creatures. CLOUDS MAY SHROUD OUR SOUL IN DARKNESS, BUT ABOVE THEM THE SUN SHINES BRIGHTLY; GOD’S MERCY NEVER FAILS. Those who grasp the real meaning  of this truth find Christ in a new way. This experience marks the beginning of a richer life in which joy and peace flourish even in the darkness, because they are ROOTED not in superficial human feelings, BUT deep down in the dark certainty of faith that JESUS IS ALWAYS THE SAME.

Happiness and sadness may play havoc with our emotions, but once we learn that God dwells in darkness beneath the shifting surfaces of our souls, we know that that is where we must go to find him. There we will pray in peace and silence, attentive to the God who NEVER CHANGES.

Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” ~Isaiah 30:21.

Thank you Mr. Brennan for another wonderful Reflection for us Ragamuffins :o)

Where have you seen God’s grace in your life today?