Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Focused prayer for today: Mom’s Heart

Doc thinks Mom may have a Patent Foramen Ovale (PFO) in her heart between the two atriums. The reason for this is IF it was a blood clot that was in her leg, the clot would have normally caused a Pulmonary Embolism (the clot would have gotten stuck in her lungs not her brain) BUT if she has this PFO (hole in-between the 2 atriums in her heart) the blood clot may have passed through the hole into her brain - causing the stroke. They did the echocardiogram yesterday (frontal view of the heart) and did not see the hole, but today are testing her with a probe through the throat to get a lateral picture.
NO hole = different possible cause of stroke
Hole = either need to perform a PFO Closure or Mom will most likely be placed on blood thinners for the rest of her life.
…I’m no doc – but just wanted to try my best to give you an update on where our focus is today! THANK YOU for the continuous prayers!