Thursday, September 29, 2011


For all of you who have continued to be such an amazing support to our family, we wanted to send along an update on Mom’s recovery and her progress.
While I was home in August, we found out that Mom was approved for a three week intensive aphasia therapy.
Prior to Mom’s three week therapy, a series of tests were completed to evaluate the severity of her aphasia. The test results were calculated and Mom was given a score on a scale from 1-100. 1-34 = Sever Aphasia, 35-74 = Moderate Aphasia and 75-100 = Mild Aphasia. Dad did a great job of explaining to me the testing process and what progress this three week therapy would yield based on where Mom ranks on the scale. Typically, the result of this intensive therapy is a 10% improvement on your initial score.
This didn’t seem like much of an improvement to me until Dad explained that continuing weekly therapy as Mom is scheduled now would result in a 10% improvement over an ENTIRE year. So now with things in perspective; I am VERY thankful for this therapy and this improvement.
We then waited for her score. Dad talked to the therapist and asked her (with her experience) if she thought Mom would rank in the 40/50’s? That was the number we were really hoping for. Mom’s score came back and she is at a 39. Reality set in a bit, but we are positive and on our knees in prayer! This is where we start…and we hope and pray for much more than a 3.9 (10%) improvement.
The doctors tell us we will see improvement up to a year after her stroke. Our one year mark will be March 28, 2012. It still seems unreal to think about the day Mom’s stroke occurred six months ago. The therapists tend to disagree with the docs. They have seen improvement beyond a year post-stroke and they reassure us that with continued therapy, we will see Mom improve beyond next March.
AND THEN, there is GOD. God knows if Mom will recover fully and we continue to ASK FOR MIRACLES. As difficult as it is to put this all into perspective, we are confident that God is in this storm. He didn’t take her from us, and we are SO THANKFUL for Mom’s joyful spirit and her diligent perseverance!
 I asked Courtney to send an update on Mom’s intensive therapy progress. Here is Court's update:
For the last two weeks Mom's schedule has changed a bit.  She was accepted into an Intensive Aphasia Program at North Memorial Medical center.  I like to call this "speech bootcamp".  The program is three weeks long, occurring three and a half hours a day, Monday through Friday. 
The therapy schedule consists of an hour of work on the computer, an hour of one-on-one speech therapy, and an hour of group therapy (during this time the group plays games/activities working on their speech) and 30 minutes of time to just talk with the other patients.  The days sure tire her out, but she truly enjoys the program. 
At this point, we are just over half way through the program and we are definitely seeing results. Mom is surprising us with new phrases all the time! While it still is difficult for her to communicate exactly what she wants, more and more words are coming out.
One day I observed her one-on-one speech therapy.  We cannot go in the room with her, but they have a camera in the room and we can observe on a monitor in a different location.  She was working on different places, one of which was "cabin." The speech therapist, Kellie, asked her if she ever went to a cabin this summer.  Mom said "yes" and they had a conversation of where it was located.  Kellie asked, "Is it in MN?" Mom said, "No" and drew a map of MN and WI and pointed to Wisconsin.  Then Kellie asked if it was by Eau Claire, and Mom said "No" and something to the effect of up or higher.
They did a good job of getting the approximate location.  Then Kellie asked her about what she likes about the cabin, Mom's face lit up and I knew what was coming.  She made an oval shape with her hands and tried so hard to say it, but all she got out was "Lo” which to Kellie meant nothing, BUT I knew she was so close to saying what she meant, the LOONS!!  Watching this made me realize how often Mom must be SO CLOSE to saying what she wants to and we just can't figure it out.
The other night at dinner mom broke our momentary silence by pointing out "it is dark out" to which we responded, "why yes it is, VERY GOOD!" then she said, "it is going to be cold” this was HUGE! Not only that she said two phrases PERFECTLY clear, but also that she brought up her own idea that she was thinking about!
Another story, on the way to speech today the traffic was slowing down and I hadn't noticed yet, Mom let me know by holding up her hand and saying "slow down!" followed by a look as to say "what are you doing?!"
I think it is fair to say she knows she is improving she says things like, "this is good" "it is good" referring to the class, but she also continues to point out that she wants to be better NOW, and asks why it is so SLOW...
Another update, this time from Dad! He has been tracking Mom’s new phrases this week and I had to share!
Lynn’s New Phrases:
Sunday, September 26, 2011
  • Look at how dark it is
  • Then it is really cold
  • What happened?
  • I don’t know what it was
Monday, September 26, 201
  • I don’t know how to find it
  • There it is
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
  • In the bathroom
  • What that
  • Com’ on I’m watching these
  • You got to buy some
  • You go now
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
  • Are you leaving?  (yes) What time?
I am so thankful for Courtney and Dad filling us in along with all of the work both of them continue to do with Mom! AND – most of all – for MOM’s HARD WORK! As tomorrow ends week two of her three week intensive program, I hope you will join us in praying for REALLY BIG THINGS!

I have two prayer requests I continue to shout to our God:
1.       Post test score = 50 out of 100! (I am praying for a 30% improvement!!) BIG ASK,I KNOW.
2.       Conversations at Christmas! All I want for Christmas is a conversation with Mom!
Thank you for being prayer warriors for Momma Besch! Court sent me this shot last week...she said, "I just couldn't let you miss Mom's hair sticking up this morning!" AND - I couldn't let YOU miss it either! We just LOVE this lady! (She may have my head for posting...but she's so stinkin' cute!)
Sidenote: Watching X Factor as I post this…and this song came on…I know Mom loves it! :o)...totally cheesy, but couldn't resist!

Where have you seen God’s grace in your life today?