Thursday, November 10, 2011


I've been following a great 21 day devotional Lysa Terkeurst wrote called Made To Crave. Today's thought really hit home and can apply to any area of your life you are trying to crave anything of this world, but God. Here is her challenge:

Today I challenge you to start a new cycle of making God your focus, rather than food. Each time you crave something you know isn’t part of your plan, use that craving as a prompting to pray. I crave a lot. So I’ve found myself praying a lot. Potato chips and brownies now prompt me to pray! God gave us the gift of prayer to turn our times of desperation into relationship opportunities with Him. This cycle is far more promising than distancing ourselves from His goodness with our own sense of self-loathing and defeat.

For example, when we make God our focus, we can wake up in the morning and say “God, I want a biscuit this morning. Instead, I’m eating poached eggs. I’m thankful for these eggs, but I’ll be honest in saying my cravings for other things are hard to resist. But instead of wallowing in what I can’t have, I’m making the choice to celebrate what I can have.”

What better way to live than fully in today rather than always looking to start over on Mondays!

I just love this idea. While our humaness channels us into "poor me" mode, we can refocus ourselves prayerfully on God and in turn enrich the ONLY relationship that TRULY MATTERS!

All for now...

Where have you seen God's grace in your life today?