Wednesday, December 21, 2011


My powerful little morning devotional met me again right where I am at.

Manning writes:


Christmas is the promise that the God who came in history and comes daily in mystery will one day come in glory. God is saying in Jesus that in the end everything will be all right.

NOTHING can harm you permanently,
No suffering is irrevocable,
No loss lasting,
No defeat is more than transitory,
No disappointment is conclusive.

Jesus DID NOT deny the REALITY of
Frustration and

He simply stated that the Kingdom of God would conquer ALL of these horrors, that the Father’s love is SO prodigal that NO evil could possibly resist it.

He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away. Revelation 21:4.

Man, did I just yearn to be affirmed in this today!

AND… I am very happy to report, with this refreshing reminder that everything will be all right; Courtney had a few updates with Mom’s progress!

As they did speech over skype yesterday, Mom couldn’t get out what she was trying to tell Courtney, so she walked to the kitchen and brought out a pan and spoon (with a know Mom). Courtney was able to figure out that she was trying to tell her she was baking Dad’s favorite homemade chex mix! “Is that right?”… Mom said, “Yes!”

Court asked if she set a timer. Mom said, “Yes, 20 minutes.”

This was just HUGE because not only did she say a time, but the CORRECT amount of time! (Court knew it was correct being the baker in the familyJ)

For those of you who are unfamiliar with aphasia/apraxia, often when Mom is asked a time, name, or day of the week, she will say another name (i.e. calling for Dad she’ll say…Joan (my aunts nameJ), she’ll say goodnight when we get off the phone in the morning, she’ll say Saturday when it’s Monday.

She says it all in her very cute way…and we giggle about it and continue to encourage her to keep trying…But you can see just how HUGE it is when she is actually ACCURATE and this is happening MORE AND MORE! Thanks be to God. He is working through my sister and all of the speech therapy she continues to diligently work on with Mom!!!

Courtney also mentioned the success Mom is having in saying numbers 1-20, days of the week, months and alphabet. She has seen significant improvement in numbers, days and months. It is SO VERY encouraging to hear all of these improvements as we continue to pray for her words to flow!

Needless to say...I CAN NOT WAIT to be home in 2 days! I am really REALLY looking forward to chatting with Momma!



You never cease to amaze me. With every brand new morning you meet us right we are. THANK YOU for the tangible improvements you are showing us in Mom’s progress. We praise you and continue to ask for healing as you SHOW US that everything is going to be all right!


Where have you seen God’s grace in your life today?