Thursday, December 22, 2011


Mom had me ROLLING in laughter on my way into work…
We were chatting about the to-do list for the weekend and she was INSISTING on SOMETHING…but I was unsure of what?? After guessing pretty much anything I could think of I said, “Is Dad awake yet?”
So with a bit of a groan I heard her walk in and try and get him up. This is a huge feat considering Grams used to use a cup of water to wake him! …I heard Mom say, “G-uh”…then “Get-uh”…then she found the words … “Get-up!” and oh man…once she figured it out it was Get-up! ... Get-up! ... Get-up! ... Get-up! ... Get-up! ... I couldn’t help but laugh as I pictured her practically giving my dad CPR to the beat of Get-up! (still laughing now…)
As my Dad begrudgingly rolls over I hear him whisper in his raspy morning voice… “I’m going to tell Jess you’ve been picking at your feet!!!”
(SIDENOTE: Mother has a terrible foot condition which the docs have been unable to diagnose, but it has prevented her from playing golf and (sorry for being a little unpleasant) but it causes large and painful dry cracks along the bottom of her feet). It itches her, so she likes to pick instead of put the salve on and leave her socks on. I tend to yell at her when she starts at it…and apparently Dad lets it slide!)
SO – as Mom continues to say “Get-up!” to the CPR beat…Dad joins in with Feet-picker! … Feet-picker! … Feet-picker! … I almost had to pull over I was laughing SO HARD!!!
Needless to say, they’ve been flirting a lot lately! J Puts a smile on my face!

Thank you for placing a healing touch on Mom and Dad’s marriage through her stroke. Although we never would have chosen it, we see how you used it! Thank you for Mom’s victories we see in her finding her words.
We don’t deserve it, but we’ll take it and give You the glory!

Where have you seen God’s grace in your life today?