Saturday, December 24, 2011


Today was an amazing day! As the day went on more and more phrases came from Mom! We were at Auntie Linda's tonight and as midnight passed.. We heard even MORE from Mom! I'm so very excited for tomorrow morning.

And so my final conversation at Christmas prayer will be tonight, but I will continue to be on my knees for her recovery to continue!



We saw your miracles begin to unfold tonight and we are in awe of Mom's words and phrases! If this is any glimpse of tomorrow... I want to fall asleep this second!

We praise you and thank you for your healing touch on her, and our families, life. We give you ALL the glory.

Tonight we celebrate your birth! We are so fortunate to love and serve a God who would come down to this earth to live the life we could not live. Not because of who I am but because of what You've done! Not because of what I've done, but because of who You are!

Happy Birthday, Jesus!


Where have you seem God's grace in your life today?